
Mazel tov! Plan a wedding through TBI.
If you would like our rabbi to officiate, please begin a conversation with us before you set the date, otherwise we cannot guarantee her availability. If the rabbi is able to officiate at your wedding, make sure you confirm the date and time as well as financial arrangement with the Executive Director.
Why have a TBI rabbi officiate?
The rabbi will meet with the couple at least 4 times prior to the wedding ceremony, to get to know the couple, help them learn about the ceremony, and craft music and remarks that speak to the couple and their individual identities. The rabbi will also be available to help the couple navigate questions about the Jewish home they will build together, as well as offering framing for the day to help the couple’s extended family. This is why it is essential to inquire about the rabbi’s availability as far in advance as possible, ideally before setting the date.
Timing Availability
The rabbi does not officiate weddings on Shabbat (between sundown Friday evening to nightfall *three stars* on Saturday evening). Rabbi Ruhi Sophia does not perform weddings during the Three Weeks of mourning between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av during the summer, as per traditional custom. Due to the pressures of the High Holidays, Rabbi Ruhi Sophia will not schedule weddings during the period from 2 weeks before Rosh Hashanah to two weeks after Yom Kippur.
We also have other officiants in our community who would be delighted to work with you, should our rabbi be unavailable due to reasons of year cycle (as above) or simple scheduling conflicts.
Our rabbi will officiate at intermarriages, provided the couple plans to create a primarily Jewish household. Some of the language of the traditional Jewish wedding might be changed in such a case, to reflect the reality of the couple’s identity.
LGBTQ+ Weddings
Our rabbi will officiate at LGBTQ+ marriages (and LGBTQ+ intermarriages, provided the couple plans to create a primarily Jewish household). Some of the language of the traditional Jewish wedding might be changed in such a case, to reflect the reality of the couple’s identity.
Temple Member
*The stated fees are for local weddings only. Fees for weddings outside the area should be arranged through the Executive Director.

We also have beautiful spaces for a wedding reception. If you’re interested, please check in advance for availability.