Pesach begins at sundown on Saturday, April 12.

This page contains a variety of resources from Rabbi Ruhi Sophia to assist you in creating your own seder experience.

From Oppression to Liberation, From Shame to Praise: Finding ourselves in the Haggadah this year
Shabbat Lunch & Learn to prepare for Pesach with Rabbi Ruhi Sophia

Saturday, April 5, 1:15 pm

In a time when it seems that oppression and degradation is on the rise, what does it mean to tell the Passover story this year? How might it move us out of our own fears and inspire us now? We’ll look at clues in the Haggadah and from Jewish history as we prepare again to tell our people’s most important story.


A group of kitchen utensils on a wooden table.

Kasher the TBI Kitchen w/Rabbi Ruhi Sophia

Wednesday, April 9, 11:00am – 1:00pm

TBI maintains a kosher for Pesach facility throughout the 8th day of Pesach. Please do not bring bread or other leavened products into the building. If you would like to assist Rabbi Ruhi Sophia kasher the kitchen, sign up below. We need a maximum of 8 volunteers. Do a mitzvah and learn in general about koshering for Pesach! Rabbi Ruhi will be ordering lunch for volunteers!

Sell Your Chametz
(deadline to sell is Thursday, April 10, at noon)

TBI is helping to facilitate the symbolic act of the selling of chametz, which celebrates the interdependence of Jews and their non-Jewish friends and neighbors. During the week of Passover, tradition teaches that we rid our homes of all leavened grain products, known as chametz in Hebrew. Today, this involves members of a local Jewish community delegating the power to sell their personal chametz to a local rabbi, who then sells it (usually for a dollar) to a non-Jew in the community. After Passover, that non-Jewish friend sells the chametz back to the rabbi, also for a dollar.

»  Sell your chametz

A building with the name of temple beth israel on it.


There will be Pesach services at the following times:

10:00 am on the 1st day (Sunday, April 13)
10:00 am on the 7th day of Pesach will be a special Shabbat Alive! w/Cantor Evlyn Gould & Emily Fox (Saturday, April 19)
10:00 am on the 8th day (Sunday, April 20) and will include Yizkor/memorial prayers (YouTube link is here)

Second Night In-Person Seder led by Rabbi Ruhi Sophia
Sunday, April 13, 5:30 pm

Rabbi Ruhi Sophia will lead an in-person Community Pesach Seder on Sunday, April 13, at 5:30pm. Join us for a joyful Seder experience with song, insight, and discussion while enjoying Passover ritual foods and a catered dinner. Children of all ages, extended family, and friends are all welcome. Reservations will be required. We are sorry we cannot accommodate drop-in guests.

»  RSVP for the seder

A floral banner with the words to do list written in black.Here is Rabbi Ruhi Sophia’s guide for those who are managing their own seder for the first time. Download guide HERE.


  • Decide what Haggadah you will use and acquire it (see some suggestions farther down on this page)
  • Have a household conversation about goals for the seder, which could include:
    • Traditional Pesach liturgy
    • Singing Pesach songs together
    • Being silly together
    • Having an interesting conversation about how we do liberation today
    • Any other you come up with (My family’s seder goals are usually all of the above, and our Seders are very long! You decide what your goals are, and how much of the liturgy to focus on, how much open conversation time, etc.)

In the next two weeks:

  • Clean your house as best you can, getting rid of food containing the five forbidden grains: wheat, spelt, barley, rye and oats, or gathering all of them to one definable location in your house and closing off that location.
  • Sell your chametz (either entrusting me or Chabad to do so on your behalf). Click HERE to authorize me to sell it by April 10th.
  • Plan a menu for seder night. I grew up having vegetarian seders (some of my favorite recipes are Spinach Cheese Squares and Quinoa Stuffed Mushrooms). You can also google lots of other Pesach recipes online. Or you can keep it minimalist: eat the traditional seder plate foods plus just some soup and salad.
  • Acquire non-perishable seder foods: matzah, maror, and wine/grape juice

In the final days leading up to Pesach:

  • A yellow sticky note with the words save the dates written on it.Finish cleaning your house
  • Clean out your oven (self-clean cycle, if it has one)
  • Kasher any dishes that you can, (and you decide how far to go with this) and/or pull out Pesach dishes
  • Acquire or plan to acquire perishable seder foods: parsley, shank bone (or beet for veg version), eggs (if not vegan), charoset ingredients (see below for recipes)

Because Passover begins on a Saturday night, after Shabbat, this year, the prep involves a classic “hurry up and wait situation,” in order to be ready to go before Shabbat, but then still celebrate Shabbat before moving into Passover.

Thursday and/or Friday, April 10 and 11:

  • Advance prep cooking and shopping
  • Make charoset (It likes a day or two to sit and absorb flavors. There are many recipes, from many Jewish traditions. Ashkenazi recipes like this one usually have fewer ingredients, whereas Sephardi recipes like these feature more dried fruit and spices.)
  • Boil eggs (if not vegan)
  • Finish cooking Shabbat food and Seder food before Shabbat starts.
  • (Here’s the weird part): set aside exactly as much Challah as you will eat on Friday night and Shabbat morning, and make sure that you have gotten rid of the rest of your chametz (except for what you’ll use for bedikaht chametz, below)

A yellow sticky note with the words save the dates written on it.Thursday eve after dark, April 10: Bedikat Chametz: (HERE’s the liturgy and HERE’s a demonstration). The ritual for the morning will be different this year, because of the Shabbat/Erev Pesach situation (see below) but the evening ritual will be the same.

Friday, April 11:

  • Burn your chametz (but don’t yet recite the statement of nullification – wait until tomorrow!)

Friday eve, April 11:

  • Celebrate Shabbat – Enjoy a normal Shabbat dinner and services!

Saturday, April 12:

  • Enjoy the last of your Shabbat challah (and any other chametz) by 10:58 am – eat it all up or (cringe) flush it.
  • Nullify your chametz with the following declaration by 12:06 pm.
    • “All leaven and anything leavened that is in my possession, whether I have seen it or not, whether I have observed it or not, whether I have removed it or not, shall be considered nullified and ownerless as the dust of the earth.”
  • A yellow sticky note with the words save the dates written on it.Set table, make sure you have:
    • Wine/juice in glasses plus more for future glasses and Elijah’s cup
    • Salt water for dipping parsley and eggs
    • Napkins for people to wipe fingers after dripping wine for the 10 plagues
    • 3 Matzah in a covered stack
    • Special napkin or other cloth to be afikomen cover
    • Seder plate with parsley, maror, charoset, egg (or vegan substitute), shankbone (or veg substitute)
    • Some people put an orange on the seder plate, or other additions (see the supplemental materials)

A yellow sticky note with the words save the dates written on it.Haggadot, Guides, and Music for your Seder

The most important thing about a seder is that it is an opportunity to internalize the Exodus story, make it come alive for today. There is a wide variety of Haggadah options and, depending on your household, different options will be right for you.


  • Make your own Haggadah: Free site to compile your own Haggadah, based on traditional, liberal, or secular templates from
  • Sefaria: Here’s the full text of the Haggadah (most is translated; nothing is transliterated)


  • Saratoga Haggadahcompiled years ago by Rabbi Ruhi Sophia’s parents! It takes more than 30 minutes, but not more than an hour to get to the meal.
  • 30-minute Seder An abbreviated Seder, with the ritual completed before the meal; hard copies can be purchased, or you can purchase a pdf to download and make copies.
  • An even-shorter Haggadah from PJ Library
  • A Guide to the Seder by Jewish Federations of North America



The Open Door: A Passover Haggadah, by Sue Levi Elwell and Ruth Weisberg
A Family Haggadah, Shoshana Silberman
A Different Night: The Family Participation Haggadah, Noam Zinn and David Dishon
The Jewish Journey Haggadah, Adena Berkowitz

Supplemental Seder Materials:

Videos and source sheets by Rabbi Ruhi Sophia (geared towards Talmud Torah students, informative for adults as well!). (And here’s a link to the entire playlist.)

Haggadah supplements from various Jewish non-profits Lots of Pesach resources HERE.

Music: Find traditional and contemporary versions of Passover songs HERE.

A guide for everything Pesach: For a wide variety of information, go HERE. It features many links, including history, customs and rituals, Pesach family activities, food and recipes.

The Ten Plagues: This one-page document has ideas for discussing the Ten Plagues with children.

18 Doors: Lots of good material HERE, particularly for interfaith families.

A yellow sticky note with the words save the dates written on it.The Seder Plate

The big mitzvot of Pesach are to eat matzah during Pesach, and to get rid of chametz (leavened foods) in advance of Pesach.But there are other traditional foods featured during the seder. You can find out the symbolism of each in detail here; for your shopping purposes, they’re listed below:

  • Kosher for Pesach Matzah
  • Maror (horseradish raw root or in jars)
  • A shank bone (some vegetarian families use a beet, the only vegetable that bleeds, to remind of the Pesach sacrifice)
  • Parsley (a symbol of spring, used early in the Seder)
  • Charoset (a sweet mixture recalling the mortar that our ancestors used in their labors. Recipe samples in timeline below)
  • Hardboiled eggs, also symbolizing springtime, and traditionally the first food eaten as part of the festive meal (and dipped in salt water, like the parsley).
  • Wine or grape juice

A painting of an open window with the sun shining.Books (including some Haggadot) that we recommend

The Art of Jewish Living: The Passover Seder, Dr. Ron Wolfson

Keeping Passover: Everything You need to Know to Bring the Ancient Tradition to Life and to Create Your Own Passover Celebration, Ira Steingroot

Creating Lively Passover Seders: A Sourcebook of Engaging Tales, Texts & Activities, David Arnow

Make Your Own Passover Seder: A New Approach to Creating a Personal Family Celebration, Alan Abraham Kay and Jo Kay

Additional Resources

From Everyone Counts:

Bringing the hostages to your seder
When the four children aren’t there
Let our people go

From the JTA:

Empty chairs, mirrors and pomegranates: How Jews are bringing the Israel-Hamas war to their seder tables this Passover